Friday, April 27, 2007

Nightmares and Dreamscapes - Dolans' Cadillac

The lastest book that I'm reading right now by the Master Story teller is Nightmares and Dreamscapes. A collection of short stories. Bought it in a second-hand bookstore in the MRT (train) Station in Ayala, Makati Philippines.

The great thing about the book is that, it has a TV special (well some of the stories in it, not all). When I bought the book, I didn't know that there was such. I'm glad there is. What I would do (or what im doing) is to read the story first then see if there is a movie equivalent.

The first story that I read was Dolan's Cadillac. (By this time, when I read this one, I still didn't know that there is a movie adaptation... even the second one, The End of the Whole Mess...)

Dolan's Cadillac is a long story (well it's a short story, but has the most page, so it's the longest one), but is slightly boring until it nearly ends.

It is a dark and riveting revenge tale about Las Vegas middle school science teacher Tom Robinson whose beloved wife Elizabeth witnesses an execution in the desert and is then targeted for death by the mobster who committed it, notorious Vegas crimelord Jimmy Dolan.

He waited and watched for seven years. He saw him come and go - Dolan. Watched him stroll into fancy restaurants dressed in a tuxedo, always with a different woman on his arm, always with his pair of bodyguards.

He always thinks of his wife Elizabeth during this time, every time actually. Dolan kille dhis wife or had her killed; it comes to the same, either way.

Elizabeth was on the wrong place in the wrong time when Dolan slipped. She testified in one of the crimes that Dolan committed. That's how she got killed.

It took him years and years to arrive at a perfect plan to get Dolan. He watched him day after day every time his schedule permits. He knows his regular trips. The date and time when Dolan goes to his regular visits in Las Vegas.

This is when he thought of the plan! He will bury Dolan and his caddy in the desert highway. This would not be easy, he knows that. THe men who travelled with Dolan were trained to kill. He was trained to teach third-graders.

To prepare for this plan he worked at the highway. And when the time has come (july 4th) he dug his grave for the man who killed his wife. And in the end, he got what he wanted.

Rate? Not that good. It bores me from the beginning up to the middle part. But it is worthwhile when you reach the end part.

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