Just finished reading book 7, the last book, of The Dark Tower series, March 29… All 1050 pages of it.
It took me several weeks, even months, but hey, just like Roland, the journey is long… Enjoyed every bit of it!
I could write a review on how great the story is as a whole but I don’t know where to start… Would I recommend reading all 7 Dark Tower books? Hell no!.. I wouldn’t.. I would recommend first reading the books related to the Dark tower story… For example, the main antagonist of the story is the Crimson King, I say, read first Stephen King’s Insomia, wherein King describes the Crimson King in detail.

Interested? Why not buy one? (and I’m not recommending? :)…
Will post a review soon, im starting reading.. errr..listening to The Gunslinger, the first volume. :) Happy reading!
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